Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year, New Illness

I should have suspected Susie was coming down sick when she fell asleep in front of the compter The Adeno virus has come knock, knocking at our door this new year. It has brought with it a coughing cacophony, chills, fever, and mucus. At New Years, Susie had nights of high fever (heat rashes on her and me, when I was holding her) and coughing...Little Jonathan awoke from a nap yesterday afternoon with a temperature of 104.7-106.2. When I called about reducing his fever, I was told to bring him in to the doctor to rule out secondary illness. While there, he failed his pulsox monitor yesterday and so he ended up at the hospital for chest x-rays. Uncle Matt (his pediatrician, along with Grandpa) was kind to meet us back at the office at 10:30 p.m. where his oxygen saturation was still at 88% and where he was started on steroids and breathing treatments last night. He has bilateral viral pneumonia and has breathing treatments every four hours around the clock (2:45 a.m., 6:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m., etc.) Rebekah has the cough and low grade fever now. Susie has gotten over the fevers and now has the residual bronchitis and cough. So far, Hannah does not have the fever and "feels" for the other children but has a mother that still wants her to go to Pre-Algerbra and cello lessons at school. Want to sleep over? We have entertainment (with lots of drama) and action ALL NIGHT LONG!
(I should have suspected when Susie fell asleep on the floor at 6:00 p.m. in front of the computer that she was coming down with something).


Tammy said...

I am so sorry that the sickness found you! I hope everyone is feeling better soon!

RJ said...

JULIE! My goodness, that is AWFUL! I so wish I COULD come spend the night and relieve your burden by a tiny bit. My prayers to you and your poor sick children. XOXO

Jason and Jamie said...

that sounds terrible! hopefully everyone will be healthy soon!

Becca said...

Oh, that is no fun! Glad you made it through.