I slept so soundly that I do not remember Joe coming in and bringing me breakfast! (Rare)

This mini snack bar is motion sensored. If you touch or remove any object from the box for longer than 60 second, you bought it. The cashews are $12. The Chocolate is $15. The mini container of Jelly Bellies are $8.

Evie slept in a cute, white roll away crib. It kept her happy and safe (she rolls all over now) for a few minutes during the day.

View from the Left window

View out the main window

View of the right window

Eva was very fussy and had trouble going down for a nap in the room and so we explored the hotel. Around the Conference and Ballrooms it was smoke/casino noise free and had great art. I pushed her to sleep in her stroller. This artist did a lot of art for the hotel. In the above piece he has used real fabrics, beads, and buttons on this "mixed media." I htought Bekah would be entranced by it.

Different fabrics and patterns come together.

Ahh...She finally fell asleep. The quilt above was gorgeous. It is not shown but there was metallic thread (silver, gold, etc.) used to stitch it together.

Wish I would have got a closer picture of the last two pieces...The detail was amazing. Yes, those are live succulents in a hollowed out piece of wood.

We were on the 54 of 60 floors. The elevator was so fast that my ears popped every single time I went up or down. There was six elevators to a side, twelve all together.

Dusk--around 4:00 p.m. No joke.

Babies are busy. This is Eva playing with a free promo from Medco.

Just goofying around together.

Mosaic floors and fresh indoor plants

The Strip

Lights all the way to the horizon (Mountains in the distance)
In the evening, Joe, Eva, and I went to Table 10 at the Palazzo across the street. It might be by Chef Emmerill because they had a lot of his things on display. We had sweet potato and artichoke appetizers. I had the Spay fish over mushrooms and vegetables and Joe had Pork tenderloin in a cherry reduction sauce. We took sorbet and Smore pie to go. We met Dave and Kelene after her show and they drove us to Central Town and bought us some desserts at Chili's and we had fun talking and getting to know them better. Eva fell asleep and so it seemed like an adult party for a little while. In case you are wondering, vacations with a baby are still a lot of work! (She had no distractions or friends and so it was Mommy on duty around the clock!)
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