Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day Campbell Celebration (Part 3)

Cousins play a spinning top game.
Susie elevates the Rudolf decorations by putting them on her beloved Princess laptop to play with.
The Stowe Family--Twins second Christmas
Anne's Holiday Feast
One of Anne's "Kitchen Witches."
Jonathan stands by Pixie Mick.
Bekah sits by her Pixie Jackson.
oMerry Christmas!
Dave and Kelene
Jonathan gave to Mick (too).
Susie's Pixie was Jackson.
Jonathan models his new cap and smooth stone from Grammy and Pop Pop.
Susie loves the homemade cap and treats!
Hannah's Gift from Grammy
Rebekah shows her gift. Included is a special turtle which reflects blue stars in the light.
Grammy shows part of our gift.
Joe and his Dad.
Joe and his Mom.
Julie opens her Pixie present from Anne.
Hannah is given Great Grandma Campbell's lightbulb which glows like pink roses when turned on in a socket.
When we got home from the great party at Anne's, Susie changed into her Snow White outfit and began to dance for us!

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