Friday, September 5, 2008

Sweet Simple Things

I wanted to remember the sweet things lately. Little Susie kneeling in prayer (on our big bed) next to Jonathan...repeating after him, "Dear Heavenly Father, I am thankful for sister Rebekah," "(hushed) Bekah" "and I am thankful for Hannah" "Hannah" "and I am thankful for Mom, Dad, and Susie!" "Mom, Dad,...(Joe and I listen because she has not said her name before...) Baby (she smiles and nods her head up and down)." I am sure God's heart fills with joy and He can't help but smile as He too listens to these sweet innocent prayers. Joy is the pitter patter of little feet crossing tile, little hands caressing softly my hair, surprise bear hugs, little love notes, winks, bubbling laughter from the other room, an unexpected call from a friend (or sister), a look at the grapes from Grammy Campbell, apples and peaches from Amy, and sweet, juicy nectarines from a local fruit merchant. I spy on sleeping children--so serene...Life is good!

1 comment:

Jason and Jamie said...

It sounds like you are all doing well now. Are you all over mono now?