Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School

Ahh, it is that time of year already for children to go back to school. Joe surprised me by taking Monday, Thursday and Friday off work this week so I could attend Education Week at BYU. (I have never been before). (What a sweet man he is!) In guilty appreciation, I left this morning and Joe got the little ones breakfast and off on bikes to school before loading up Jonathan and Susie and taking them to the hardware store to buy sprinkler parts. Joe took pictures of the children with the digital photo on the video machine...missing our digital camera already! My classes began with an Organizing Home class in which the presenter encouraged us to get rid of HALF of all we own...donate, share, trow away, recycle. "Less is always more!" At home, we enjoyed a great dinner (spaghetti maranara, green salad, corn on the cob, steamed zucchini...and Aunt Beth's famous chocolate chip pecan cookies!) For Family Night we learned D & C 1:37-38 and passed around a love box (crystal recycled chocolate box with a bow on it so children could see nothing but "love" inside it).. We played, "I love you because..." until it had gone around everyone. Miss H and Miss R fought over spatula and Miss H will have stitches or glue by her right eye tomorrow...Jonathan was trying to fix a book and stapled through his thumb tonight...Oh well! Long day for everyone! Susie is tired...More tomorrow!


Jenny said...

Sounds like a very busy day. :) Hope you survived the next few days, too.

Jason and Jamie said...

What was the best class you attended at Education Week?

Jenny said...

yes...more about Education Week. I am so jealous! ;) I like the reduce your stuff by half advice.