Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mind Pictures

Does life seem to be going in fast forward sometimes? I will get to the Education Week posts because there was some great things learned. Yesterday I finished typing up R's Confirmation and Baptism letter from sad...only 5 weeks or so late! A friend once told me to "turn and take a memory picture" when a camera was not available. Lately, I have a few. Picture this: Susie two nights ago, tired. I was on the computer and Joe came to me and said,"I have read FOUR bookies and she doesn't want me any's your turn!" I came and swaddled her and laid down by her. She turned to me in a quiet voice and said, "happy, happy!" Yesterday, I came into our master bedroom to find Susie on our bed with my big set of scriptures on her lap "reading" and "nursing" her baby doll (on her belly button, no less!). Ha ha!. Picture this: Jonathan's face was soo happy I was reading to him his new Transformer "book." (This beginning reader from the school book fair seems more like an over priced advertisement of products). The "story" is about the strengths/characteristics of fictional robots battling for Energon to rule the universe. Hey, does anyone know where I can get more "energon" as a mom just to keep up!? (Hmm, suppose I will have to try and contact Maximus Prime!) Picture this: A sift through a pbunch of papers on the ground next to where Rebekah has recently "emptited" her backpack and find a letter addressed to me on lined school paper about how I was her hero because I stay at home with the baby and do housework! (I am not invisible after all!) Picturer this: Hannah sprawled out on my bed, content I am giving her her spelling pre-test and making silly sentences to define the words. What are some of your mind pictures lately?


RJ said...

Loved your "mind pictures" Julie! My most recent one is Sophia throwing herself down on the floor at the library in a tantrum heap after someone looked at her wrong. I know it doesn't seem like something I'd want a photo of but in it's own way its just a lovely little part of watching Sophia grow and learn and become her own little person.

Send my love to Mike and his little family and thanks for your example and knowledge. :)

Jason and Jamie said...

I liked your "mind pictures" as well. Yesterday when my sister and her daughter were visiting we toured Mount Vernon. Our next stop was Arlington Cemetery, and on the drive there my girls and my niece all fell asleep--it was so sweet to look at them sleeping in their carseats. I love watching sleeping children too!

Unknown said...
