Mom and Dad Clayton graciously invited all adult children to this conference at Thanksgiving Point. We heard speakers talk on Money & Marriage, Communication, the Intentional Marriage, and Intimacy.
Over a catered dinner, author and keynote speaker, Richard Paul Evans spoke of his lovely wife and the time in their marriage when they met to draw out their divorce papers. A very touching speaker, Evans spoke candidly about the struggles he and his wife had before learning to ask, "how can I show you love today?" He states that in the beginning, his wife was angry when he asked this. He got up each morning and cleaned the kitchen and fulfilled other requests, sometimes "faking" the generous emotion when he did not feel it. With prayer, and a conscious effort, love came back into their relationship. He mentioned that within a couple of months his wife commented to him, "I don't deserve you!" He also told a fictional story which helped woman realize how important intimacy is in marriage.
Randy S. Chatelain spoke on rekindling a marriage and told a story about how in the early days of the church, members would donate ten percent of their income back to the Church (Lord). One day a chicken farmer brought his son out and asked him which of the ten chickens they should donate to the Bishop's Storehouse. The son replied, "Quick Dad...if we hurry, we can deliver that chicken before it dies!" (I am liberally paraphrasing). How often do we bring our half-dead chicken home to our spouse and offer it in the relationship?
Communication Skills:
Avoid the
Harsh Startup--talk without care for the other person
Avoid Flooding: no way out, hopeless feeling,
flood of emotions trigers the fight or flight response in spouse, lack of ability to solve problems as a couple.
4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
1* Criticism
2* Contempt
Be aware of your body language (and what it is subconciously saying)
The opposite of love is apathy
Opposite of apathy is interest/curiosity (Be curious about one another!)
Curiosity leads to love.
We show love when we want to know about another person, curious, interested.
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