Thursday, April 29, 2010

Two Weeks old and still a Wee One

Eva with Grandma (5/2/10)
Dear Friends and Family, Today I brought little Eva to her two week appointment and PKU test. I have been breastfeeding her frequently and was hoping for the best. Instead, we learned that she has only gained 3.5 ounces in sixteen days. She is not yet at birth weight. Also, Joe and I have been concerned about the infrequency of her poop. When she does, it is black, thin, small, and smelly. We would expect at this point to be past meconium and onto yellow/greenish poops. She has several very wet diapers every day. She is growing taller (on the 75%). Her head circumference is on the 25%. But weight is under the percentages because she is still below birth weight. So, I will be taking a blogging break to nurse and pump and hope for the best. If she does not reach her birth weight (meaning putting on the weight she did in two weeks, in one week), more tests will be run to determine malabsorption and malnutrition issues.


Mom4ever said...

Grow, baby, grow!

Katy said...

Oh no. The poor little thing. I hope that more pumping of the milk will help.

Jason and Jamie said...

i'm sorry to hear that little eva isn't gaining weight fast enough! we'll pray for both of you! hopefully she begins to get bigger faster!

Andrea said...

I'm sorry that she's not gaining the weight fast enough. That must be very stressful for you. We love you and are praying for you, always.

RJ said...

Oh Julie! There's no one better out there to help little Eva! She is so blessed to have you! Sending much love!