I do not remember being sooo tired before having a baby before. I am wondering if I am normal or fighting sickness (a cold brought home by little ones, perhaps).
Joe was asking Jonathan why his hair looked so unusual this afternoon. (I spoke of cutting his hair on Tuesday but didn't get around to doing it). "Oh well, I cut it!" he says smiling. He then went onto explain that he cut the front bangs with a pair of scissors he found in the girls room earlier today.
Joe and I are putting baby things away in drawers and packing for the hospital.
Spring Break has been an adventure having children home for a staycation and unnesting...as they nibble from 72 hour kits we are rotating, while I am trying to "nest." Can you say one step forward, four steps back?!
Hannah and Bekah helped Joe paint in the basement. (Hannah is motivated to move down there while our home is under construction upstairs. New room!)
Rebekah made cookies (which are definitely more fun to make and eat than to clean up afterward!)
Jonathan and Susie may need their eyes checked. They seem to think the garbage is about three feet from the actual can and have scattered misc. wrappers all over the floors.
Final days of pregnancy, and living with chaos...yep, that's a good recipe for exhaustion. I hope you are able to get in a few good naps somewhere!
I always found I was more exhausted with my subsequent babies--I don't know if it was because of so many little people to care for while I was pregnant or if my body was just giving out on me. My friend said of her fifth pregnancy that she just felt like she was one big bruise! I totally related! Anyway, I couldn't imagine the added stress of the basement project You are amazing! I loved the pictures of the horses and rejoiced in the kindness of your family with the baby shower! So fun!
I am always so tired pregnant as well--and near the end it is so hard! i had to laugh about jonathan and susie missing the garbage because we have that same problem here. I wish you a lot of energy to get through the next little while!
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