Friday, April 16, 2010

Thank You

Joe posted the last two entries (could you tell? :) We read the comments to our posts together today at the hospital and Joe and I were very emotional. Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, and kind wishes. We felt (feel) them. We feel very blessed with the safe arrival of our little lady (her name meaning life). I am still in awe at all that has happened and the comfort we recieved that all is well. Looking forward to writing more about Eva's birth story soon. I have gotten so little sleep that Joe will take Susie and I will try and sleep while I can. God bless you and yours. Thanks again for thinking of us.


Matt and Melissa said...

She is beautiful! I'm glad I got to see pictures. Sorry I haven't been able to see you yet. It has never worked out with when Matt is home (I don't want to bring all the kids) or between the sicknesses we have all had. Hope you are feeling well and enjoying little Eva. Great name!!!

Jason and Jamie said...

What a beautiful baby! Rest while you can! I wish you a speedy recovery!

isoinpapu said...

what a beautiful baby and such a great name. Eva! My mother and her grandmother are both Evas.

Congratulations! I´m so glad all is now well!