Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Victims or Victorious

I am thinking of starting a new blog. One for my daughters, specifically. I want my daughters to know the stories, articles, scriptures, poems, and things that have helped to make me whole. I want them to know that LIFE is all about CHOICE. It is why we are here. We have purpose--we can be famous or "infamous," we can create or destroy, condemn or uplift. One of my daughters has been going through a lot at school and in her own life. We talked today about whether we are "victims"--controlled and at the mercy of cruel circumstance and fate, or whether we choose to be "victorious"! I read tonight about a young man who has had many trials up to this point. When asked why he was so happy and not depressed, he answered "I'm too blessed to not have success." What would Heavenly Father send to us--if He used the U.S. Postal service, I wonder? What would it be like to get a daily postcard from God? Thinking. Comments?


Jodi said...

What a great idea! I feel as though the inspirational thoughts and stories I like get written down and thrown in a file never to see the light of day again. Or bookmarked on the computer again never to see the light of day. It would be nice to have them all in one place. Isn't it so hard to see our kids struggle? I would much rather take away their trials than to see them suffer. Thankfully, our Father knows better.

Julie said...

Thanks, Jodi. I agree--I have lots of "computer" and regular "files" (that I usually can't find what I'm looking for in when I need it.)
I read an article recently that suggested that even though we can't take their trials or suffering away--we can do something! Anything! I am so grateful to the Spirit to help guide me through hard times with tweens and teens. (I don't know how someone without the Gospel does it each day...Guess I'm a wimp. :)