Thursday, March 1, 2012

Elfi Has Ovarian Cancer?

To those of my friends or family who may (out of guilt or obligation?) sometimes read this blog--please keep in mind our family member and friend, Elfi (Elfreida Panholzer). A doctor stopped by her home today to deliver news on a CT Scan she had done today. She has masses in her stomach, ovaries, and liver and unknown fluid in her stomach and surrounding organs. It is not know at this point in time whether it has reached her lymph nodes. Guess I know who and what to fast and pray about shortly. Thank you in advance for your thought and prayers for Elfi. I know God listens to and answers prayer. (Although, I do not know how He will answer Elfi's prayers). Update--Elfi's blood screening for colon cancer came back clear but her ovarian cancer screening came back more than high risk. We are awaiting biopsy results but it is looking like the stomach mass is metastasized ovarian tumor that has come up through her ovaries and is almost blocking her stomach output. She is in the hospital, on IV fluids currently.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I'm so sorry about Elfie. What terrible news. We will keep her in our prayers!