Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year

In memory of our sweet, strong, faithful (adopted) Grandmother Susan T'chien--we celebrated Chinese New Year, 2012, the Year of the Dragon! (Click on the above picture to see it enlarged) The Chinese follow the Lunar calendar and Zodiak--which means that in the year you are born you are assigned one of twelve animals. The animal of your year is supposed to represent parts of your personality and predict things about your future ( for instance--who you would get along with or who NOT to marry...) Dinner was "thrown together" with things we all ready had and supplemented from Chao's Asian Market. Pictured above are: vegetable egg rolls (baked), sweet and sour sauce, shrimp, cocktail sauce, peas, and Swiss Chard. We added Lychee fruit gels, White Rabbit (creamy candy wrapped in rice paper) and American fortune cookies. Baby and Princess have been very sick with the Human Meta Pneumo Virus (two weeks of very high temperatures, 105 degrees, and horrible coughs--to the point of vomiting most nights--All night long). I caught this picture of Eva smiling (you can see her red cheeks and sore nose). Also, you can see tissues, toys, and clothes around her...we were (are?) in survival mode around here. Susie is wearing a size 8 silk Chinese dress. (It was bought large for Rebekah when she was Susie's age to perform a dance in). We celebrated at our preschool here with a lot of other books and activities. Happy Chinese New Year!
(The 15 days of celebrations last from January 21 to February 10)

1 comment:

Jodi said...

After weeks of sick kids, you still manage to celebrate Groundhog's Day and Chinese New Year. You are AMAZING!!!

Hope the kiddos are better!