Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ward Christmas Breakfast

This year our ward had a Christmas Breakfast. We enjoyed delicious berry bread pudding, chili releno with salsa, cinnamon rolls, sausages, orange Tang, hot cocoa with marshmallow stirrers, and sugar cookies or gingerbread cookies decorated by the children. Susan Comishes Fairytale Dance Studio performed. Hannah, who hurt her knee, sang with Ms. Alex, Rebekah danced and Susie stood in the middle of the dancers looking cute and shy (not dancing a step!) Also, her shoes were left at the church the night before at dress rehersals and could not be found today! After the new bishop, Bob Zundel, spoke on the symbols of Christmas--Jolly Old Nick himself, Santa Claus, showed up to hear the children's Christmas wishes and give them a candy cane. One of Rebekah's gingerbread girls that Susie enjoyed. The Children sang one of Susie's favorite songs, Chirstmas Bells are Ringing and the Shepard's Carol.
Little Lady was partied out!

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