Monday, December 13, 2010

Bah Humbug!

I'm scrooged tonight! Bah Humbug! Time seems to be galloping by like wild horses and each project I undertake takes three times what it the Christmas cards. Joe bought a new HP color printer on Oct. 30...yes, SIX weeks ago. We began printing our family pictures and it broke: Ink System Failure. So, I got them professionally printed at Costco. Only to have Joe's computer break down with our new letter on it. Only to reformat it on my computer and have to use a different paper... Trying to address and send them, I have to juggle the time between preschooler and baby. This morning I went downstairs to realize a three year old elf had turned OFF our refrigerator and freezer. The (new) ice cream had melted into pools and the frozen fruit had all turned dark. The children didn't complain because we had to fry and eat the expensive orange roughy fish, mushrooms, burritos, etc. There was also a caphlafell after school when one child told a younger child to "stay right here" only to find after her quick visit with a friend that the said younger brother had "vanished" and our phones were off the hook. Older sister ran home to get me and we eventually found the missing boy in the neighbors backyard playing with a friend, whew! Still to do before Christmas: make and take around ward gifts (129-160), finish sending out cards, Sub-for-Santa baskets and money, Parent gifts and Pixie presents for both sides of the family, nativity costumes rounded up for Sunbeams lesson on Sunday, Christmas Eve dinner and gift exchange for Joe's side of family, teacher presents, ...You get the idea. Still, this is a season for not being overwhelmed but for giving and feeling the spirit of the savior and so I will pray and then move one step at a time.


Vicki said...

Wow, gifts for the whole ward?! That's a lot. I am within hours of having my Utah presents ready to mail (ok tomorrow around 11:00 I will go out and do the deed I think) which is a relief but I will still need to make 3 more things for family. Haven't even thought about neighbor or church friend gifts yet.

Julie said...

Yes, my husband and I have a tradition of giving to the whole ward. Usually, these are small, sometimes homemade gifts like a tree ornament. This has been a great experience for our children to get to know the elderly and sometimes give gifts to many who are overlooked. (It was my parent's tradition growing up).