Monday, October 11, 2010

Calvin and the Flood

The idea.
The book.
The Scene. The Evidence.
The Boy.
Imagination is good, right? Reading is a good habit? Joe and I were discussing a project in the kitchen when drops of water began splashing the cabinets from the ceiling. (The ceiling we have recently had retextured and painted). We dashed upstairs and into the small bathroom where Joanathan was in the bath tub. Upon opening the door, there were inches of water rolling across the floor...water on top of the toilet, water on the lid, water on the counter, water on the vanity mirror, and water seeping under the door and out onto the carpet. "Jonathan, what were you thinking!?"


Jenny said...

Oh.My. Word. Can't believe he actually did that. Is everything drying out okay?

Mom4ever said...

That's awful! We had to ban C&H from our house too. Looong after the fact, it's great stuff to laugh about - not so fun to deal with right now though.

Julie said...

My children are going through a Calvin and Hobbes phase. This is one of the first times they have tried one of his stunts.
The carpet is mostly dry now. I ran two large capacity loads of rugs/towels.
Hannah found the saucers in the cupboard all held water from the bathroom upstairs.

Jodi said...

Oh No!!! What is it with your poor house and water? I'm so sorry!

Jason and Jamie said...

Oh no! I thought it was a funny cartoon until I saw that it was actually reinacted! is your new paint ok?