Sunday, September 5, 2010

Special Sunday

Grandma and Little Annabel (8/2010)
Susie loved this little princess chair of cousin Hannahs. She rocked backwards in it and broke it.
Daddy Dan and daughter Isabella. (Katy sewed the gorgeous blessing gown of Isabella's.)
Little lady, eleven days old!
The Sweetest Thing!
Mother, Daughter, sisters.
This Sunday we had two baby blessings. Hannah helped Susie get dressed and did cute pigtails in her hair. On the way to Aunt Lisa and Uncle Stuarts church this morning the children were talking in the back of the car and all of a sudden we hear Susie say clearly, "When I was Hannah and Bekah's age I could drive the car. I used to drive Daddy. Isn't that funny, Daddy?" Joes' response was "Susie, what did you used to do when you were Mommy and Daddy's age?" Rebekah sat by cousin Jane. Hannah sat by cousin Katy at church. Joe dropped off the Frogeye Salad at Lisa's and met me at the church. I took Jonathan to the bathroom. Led Mike to the church on the phone. To Joe, "where's the baby?" To me "I don't have her...I thought you did." Joe retrieve's the happy baby from the car before the service begins. Stuart gave Annabel a beautiful name and blessing. The lesson I was suppose to give (as a Primary substitute for the Valiant 10 class) was on the Prophet Elijah and the Power of the Priesthood. I am grateful for the power of the priesthood, the authority to act in God's name and bless His children here on earth. Testimony meeting brought Rebekah (brave, once a very shy girl), Uncle Mike, and Grandpa to the stand. Happy baby smiles and plays in her car seat while I help others plate up food. Joe goes to pick up baby and discovers she is "silent but deadly." A blowout! She has pooped...all over her Onesie, dress, car seat, and Daddy's pants. In our impromptu wet wipe sponge bath, I didn't get any pictures of Annabel in her mother's blessing dress. She was cute! (Thankfully, we had another outfit in the diaper bag). Ashton's had Nate who took their pictures. We had a wonderful feast together (honey baked ham, salads, and desserts). In the afternoon we were invited to cousin Dan and Katy's blessing of their beautiful Isabella Nicole. Again, family, wonderful food, and a wonderful feeling of respect for these young parents who have been entrusted with two gorgeous daughters and have such strong spirits and responsibilities. The feeling of Heavenly Father's love was palpable. Fun to talk to Aunt Roberta and Katy about the amazing miracle of birth--each one a walk in faith, each one a unique journey. At home, someone left a plate full of scrumptious chocolate chip cookies at our note. The possibilities of who shared kindness with us keeps us guessing. Walk with Joe, Susie, Jonathan,and baby. Baby is restless--won't "stroll to sleep." Susie does. Jonathan is our trailblazer. So grateful for the beautiful temple it's light in our neighborhood and in our lives. Fall like weather and gentle wind. Earlier sunset. Scriptures, prayers, and bed time. Joe and I stay up and put Eva to bed and play Ticket to Ride Scandinavia. It feels like a holiday.


Tammy said...

Sounds wonderful! Thank you for sharing.

Jason and Jamie said...

sounds like a perfect sunday!

Katy said...


Thank you so much for coming yesterday! It was so wonderful talking to you and hearing your stories of child birth. You are so wonderful. You are such an example with how sweet and thoughtful you are. Thank you for taking such good pictures. I have two favors to ask. First, when you get a chance could we get copies of the pictures you took? I realized later that day that I didn't take ANY pictures!! And Second,(if you don't mind sharing your recipe) could I have your delicious frog eye salad recipe!!! The keeper that Dan filled with that delicious salad was gone before bedtime!! Again, thank you so much for being so wonderful and kind!!

Mom4ever said...

The baby was left in the car? Bwahaha! Those blowouts always seem to happen at the least convenient times. (Not that they're ever convenient.)