We are in preparing for baby mode--getting an area set up for baby dresser, mobile, bassinet, etc.
I got my hair cut short (ten inches in one fell cut). After reading about good donation places, I will forgo Locks of Love and choose Pantene who makes 2,000 wigs a year to give free to woman with cancer.
Snow fell on Saturday and Joe and the children went and built a snowman and a snowcat (compliments of Rebekah, who was missing Huckleberry--our male "wandering" cat).
Sunday morning the snowman was bending backwards, hatless and looked like a victim of the book by the Beuhlers,
What Snowmen Do at Night.
Got up early and remembered daylight savings and dismissed it (thinking it changed Sunday at midnight, duh!?)
The Stake Presidency's office called. Joe and I were late for an interview. Joe is being released from Elder's Quorum secretary and being made the First Counselor.
Church cat.
Hannah gave a talk on Prophets Testifying of Christ and Bekah gave the scripture (Luke 1:70), memorized, and the prayer in Senior Primary. Joe and I could hear something making noise outside. "Is that a cat?" Joe asked me. "I think so." Huckleberry climber in the Nursery room window and cozied up to all the little ones. Before Sacrament Meeting, Hannah ran him home. Naughty kitty had stayed away for nine days and caused poor Rebekah a lot of tears and worries. Time to take down the "Lost" posters around the neighborhood.
Who knew cats wandered so much?
Joe and I bought a much needed new color printer and computer...mine has been in the process of dying for a couple of years. My brother Dave graciously agreed to help transfer data from the old to the new computer and so I can write but not upload photos this week.
Hope all goes well for blogging friends and family.

Have you guys read the "Charlie's great adventure" books by C.A. Goody? They are about a cat's adventures. My boys have just gotten into them and love them. The author wrote the first book after her cat had been missing for several days and she wondered where he had been. They seem like cute books.
Can't wait to see the new hair cut!! Don't worry I will be getting you the baby clothes this week. Hopefully tomorrow. So excited for you guys to have your new baby here soon.
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