Ahh, another Fast Sunday. I get up early and relish the sunshine and all the possibilities of a new day: a morning walk, journaling, blogging, thanks yous, lesson reading perhaps? No worry about Sunday outfits because Joe and I bought Easter outfits last night and will put children in them to wear a couple of times before Easter.
Here's how the day really went,
in short form: Girl screams when put on the potty, put back to bed. Second daughter crys about "lost cat." Joe leaves to Elder's Quorum meeting. Mom descales Hannah's hair (psoriasis). Second daughter burns third daughter's nose with fry pan when making eggs. Mom discovers burn when investigating burned egg smell. Bribes to daughter to keep ice cube on her nose. Son asks about baby and feels hiccuping and learns about the head down "little swimmer." We read about the Stripling warriors and their mothers in the Friend magazine. Joe writes out fast offering check and wood flooring deposit checks and leaves them on the refrigerator for the young men. Daughter yells up stairs, "Dad, I gave the boys the checks!" Joe chases young men up street to retrieve deposit check for the wood floor. Hannah frustrated by ear pressure, can't get ready for church. We go on walk, around the block to drop off promised Potty Training info to neighbor. At home, mad dash to dress for church. No nylons, tights, or socks (naturally). Goffy childrens pictures before new clothes are damaged. Late (*sigh*) to church!
cute picture despite the stressful morning! i can relate to your sunday morning--for some reason sundays seem to be more like that than other days. . .
Hopefully this is not a typical Sunday. :)
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