This was one of those Sundays were I feel the need to repent and be more. Be more organized, more prepared, more spiritual, closer to the Lord.
Joe, whose super power is to sleep through most things was not bothered by the fact that Susie was up at two a.m., having slept several hours, she was sure it was time to get up. My headache kept me up past one o'clock but helped me notice Priesthood Meeting e-mail at the Stake Center at 7:00 a.m. and set the alarm for Joe. Unfortunately, he did not reset the alarm for me and Susie. We slept until 8:15. Hannah's second or third dress suited her. The race for church was on!
Why is it with church at 9:00 a.m. that all the action starts at 8:50 a.m.? I lead the opening song at church at promptly 9:00 a.m.
Joe ran back inside the house to change Susie's poopy diaper. "Go ahead! We will catch up to you," he called. Hannah was wearing Bekah's white dress shoes because she had socks on and Rebekah was complaining about it, holding Hannah's white fancy flip flops. Jonathan was putting on sandals (with a suitcoat?). I said a hurried family prayer, wished the girls well in working it out, shut the door and ran up the street to the church.
After huffying into church just in time to lead the opening song in Relief Society, I sat down next to an artist (in her late 80's?) Nola Sullivan (eccentric, wonderful, hearing aid, LOUD) said, "I saw you running to church!" She laughs. Others look. I blush.
I tuck my "Oatmeal to Go" breakfast bar into my scripture bag to eat later. The lesson is on Prayer.
Jonathan was supposed to say his first talk today. I wrote it down on Sunday's date (not Saturday) and knowing we had nothing written down for Saturday, I didn't look at my calendar yesterday.
In Primary, Sister Roney came to Jonathan to ask about his talk. Rebekah got up and came to converse with him. "I think my mom and dad forgot about Jonathan's talk.
Do you have a back up plan?" The adults laugh at Bekah's candid conversation. (A teacher, still chuckling told me this dialogue after church).
Well, my sweet husband sent me to bed after our home teachers came and left.
He put "Lean Pockets" into the microwave for lunch and I put Susie to sleep and then came and got (wrestled wiggly tired) Jonathan to take a nap with me. Joe stayed up and helped the already ambitious girls with baking pies.
When I came down a couple of hours later...the older girls were laughing at Dad's memories from childhood and anxiously awaiting the baked pies from the oven. Yum, hot pumpkin pie and vanilla ice cream. Rebekah is right--sure is yummy!
(The girls pulled funny faces and believe it or not this is the cutest photo of the lot...)
It sounds like you had quite the Sunday! One thing happened after another! The pumpkin pies sounded like the perfect ending of your day. (Hopefully you had more sleep last night!)
That was a funny post. Especially liked the "Do you have a back up plan" part. Post pics of the family Halloween party soon, ok? We only have internet at our rented apartment that we stay at on the weekends.
Wow Julie, your kids have amazing parents! Thank you for your example and for sharing a little of your struggles too. So nice to know no one is perfect and that kids just forgive anyway! :)
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