Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkin Carving!

Tonight we helped the children carve Jack O'Lanterns! Susie kept calling the pumpkin something like "umpin" ("a-pumpkin" said really fast!). Jonathan was laughing a devlish laugh while scooping out the wet guts from his insides and was extremely excited about using the new carving blades that came in the kids kits, making random stabbing gestures which kept the girls on their toes. Rebekah did not want to carve a pumpking but really, really wanted to make pumpkin pies. She asked how many we could make if we baked her pumpkin for a pie instead..."I can eat seven whole pies by myself!" (Hmm, those would have to be mighty small pies...pumpkin tarts Rebekah?) Hannah found a cat and was excited about using the purple glitter pens that came in the set...So you see, there is never a dull moment around here at Halloween hour. Can you guess whose pumpkin was whose below? Hannah's=cat, Rebekah's=spider, Jonathan's=3rd, Susie's=silly face Cute video will not load!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Those look like cool pumpkins! We do ours tomorrow.