Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy 35th Birthday

A very happy birthday. Thanks all for helping feel better at being mid-thirty! This morning I woke up to a beautiful bouquet of irises (a favorite flower) picked by Joe and left in a vase for me, along with a poem. He had left some presents for me with instructions to open one an hour until he got home. (He spoils me...and Russell Stover's chocolates were on a great sale at Shopko, apparently.) I was excited to receive some books that I had on a wish list. He also brought hair accessories for me to "change it up" occasionally. The children made me presents. Miss R wrapped up pipe cleaners, a baby blanket, and candles (re-gifted) from our gift box that she hand selected. Miss H made a pretty picture/card for me with a drawing of her, Miss R and Me! Joe's mother surprised me with a fun Remembering Gordon B. Hinckly DVD and offered to take the children while I did something for me. I took a long bath and blow dried my hair (what a luxury!) Miss R asked me if I really wanted to take a long bath as something special on my birthday. I tried to explain that with three wily children and a toddler, a bath by myself was a luxury. (What once took me one hour to shower, lotion, dress, and do hair and makeup--I now can do in fifteen minutes). My good friend Cassy Dickerson called to chat from Las Veags, Nevada. I also had birthday well wishes from sisters Hyea Won and Amy. My sister called and was going to bring me lunch but than rethought that and rescheduled for tomorrow. (Fingers crossed for a fun picnic to the park with company!?) Sis-in-law Beth brought a cupcake pyramid with homemade cupcakes from Anne's Cake Creations...they were delicious and so was the company, thanks ladies! Joe and I went to Macaroni Grill tonight and the movie Iron Man. (Our waiter guessed I was 38! Hmm, he must not know the cardinal rule to guess young and never age a woman! :( ).


Matt and Melissa said...

Happy Birthday, Julie! I'm so sorry we weren't able to call. Matt has started working nights and it has totally messed up the days. I do have a gift. hopefully, I'll get it to you soon.

Davey said...

Happy birthday from me too! I can't believe you're only 4 1/2 years older than me, you feel so much wiser and experienced - you should be like 80 or something! Yes, that is a compliment, I promise! :)

Jason and Jamie said...

Happy Belated Birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful day!