Monday, March 3, 2008

Noodles, Noodles, Noodles!

One of Hannah's jobs this week was to help make dinner. This would give me a chance to help teach Hannah to cook. Joe came home early Monday night and convinced me to go on a walk at twilight. I had the pancake mix box out and was planning on having a breakfast dinner and blending some tropical fruit to make a syrup with. When we got home Hannah was in the kitchen stirring a pot. "What have you got there?" we inquired. "I made dinner!" "What is it?" "Noodles!" True to Hannah's style the large pot was full of noodles: lasagna, curly, farfalle (bow tie), capalleni (thin angel hair), macaroni, spaghetti, etc. "What were you planning on having with your noodles?" "More noodles!...and parmesan cheese." Well, we fished out the noodle types that cook quickly and allowed the lasagna noodles to cook longer. We threw in a large, very vegetable salad and viola! Dinner! Last night Hannah helped me make a Campbell creation--Asian Wok Noodles (the secret's in the sauce)...garlic, scallions, julienne carrots and red pepper, soy sauce, ginger, rice wine vinegar, sugar, chicken bullion, and a dash of crush pepper with toasted sesame seeds and roasted peanuts on top. It passed the Joe approval test. Here's how it looked with the variety of noodles mixed in.

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