Tonight we had my (Julie's) side of the family over for Chicken Lasagna dinner and games. Lisa and I brought Chicken Lasagnas, Hyea Won and Dave brought Cesar and Green Garden salad, Amy brought peach Jello and Chocolate Fudge Ice-Cream Dessert. We also provided (homemade) spiced applesauce, thawed tropical fruit, mini-carrots, and nuts to munch on.
Hannah spent a long time preparing school packets for each cousin that came. She was Teacher Jane and taught Rebekah, Lucy, Owen, and Jonathan.
Mike came following his church services and we all ate and talked and played (
Ticket to Ride (America) and
Ticket to Ride (Europe). Mike asked the difference between the two and in a tired moment I commented..."Oh, the America version is easier because the other one is in European (?)." "What language is that precisely?," others joked. [The game uses the capitols of European cities as they are written in their original languages.]
I called Mom and Dad on the cell phone. They are visiting Matt and Melissa. They enjoyed a wonderful dinner, talking, pineapple upside down cake and
Ticket to Ride (America) in Arizona!
Baby Andrew sang to us. He can now wave "hi" and say it (7 mos.). Susannah was interested in playing with cousin Alex and sipping out of other cousins sippy cups.
A good time had by all.
We decided to hold a potluck dinner and games (board games, Wii, and DDR--X Box) on the fourth Friday of each month. The main dish will rotate and the person planning the main dish will call and make food assignments. A Fun Family Tradition.
That sounds like fun! We can't wait to join in with everyone. Miss you all.
Is Ticket to Ride a lot of fun? I have looked at that but couldn't decide about buying it. . . .
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