Sunday, March 20, 2011

Escaping to Hawaii (Hospital)

Tired out, I resented being a mother last Thursday. Joe fell asleep early. I lectured children about all that I do, that is really their jobs and then put all the children to bed after scriptures and prayers. The next day, Joe invited me on a surprise date to "get away" to Hawaii. he brought home an orchid that reminded him of a plummeria and insisted I wear it behind my ear. We said goodbye to the children and enjoyed a movie and popcorn (despite Joe's "migraine"). After, he took more medicine to try and free himself from his bad headache. This weekend, instead of getting away to Hawaii, we spent many painful hours at the ER and then at home where Joe is healing from meningitis. Just another day in Paradise, I guess. I am so grateful to have another day with him.

1 comment:

Ginny said...

I'm so sorry for all of you that you've been for such a ride the past few weeks. Here's to hoping for more steady progress in the right direction in Joe's recovery!