Who knew Sixth grade Graduation was such a big deal?! (They did not do this when I went to the same elementary school). Got the children up, made a hot breakfast for them, and off to school (with thank yous and presents for their teachers) and then fed Susie and Eva. We got dressed (meaning I dressed everyone) and made it to the school for most of graduation. (Silly me, I wore navy slacks and not a skirt--oops).
Hannah planned a big water activity to celebrate at 1:00 p.m. She graciously invited any Sixth Grade girl she saw. Rebekah came in swim suit with Jonathan and Susie joining after the hose and water "Volcano" toy was drug out. Too bad the sun disappeared behind the clouds. (Caroline still came to party). In preparation, Hannah got out a table cloth, Little Tikes table, made Orange Aid with frozen strawberries for refreshment with Nacho Cheese Doritos...
Later, inside, Susie spilled the juice across the piano bench but cleaned it up with a new white towel. Then, she began emptying the juice from her tea pot into bins of toys! When asked "why!?" she stated that she wanted to "make more juice." Ahh, but of course!
Joe picked up the movie
The Spy Next Door (PG) with Jackie Chan. This turned out to be pretty fun for the whole family (The bag of licorice and cheddar pretzels were nice too). He then packed a sack lunch for the family to eat on the trampoline in the backyard. We ate Oscar Meyer Cheese hotdogs on bread (Joe's favorite), with Doritos, Apricot Nectar, and fresh mango.
Welcome Summer!
Sounds like a fun way to end school and begin summer.
We don't have 6th grade graduation, but that's because we have k-8 schools for the most part. 8th grade graduation is huge for a lot of families. Almost bigger than prom.
we didn't have a 6th grade graduation--it seems like almost every grade has a graduation not (not really, but there are a lot!) it sounds like it was quite the day! yeah for Hannah!
That bit about the juice made me laugh. I can just see it! How many times have we asked that...WHY?!
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