Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Eva Updates

Susie, in her self selected Halloween shirt and skirt, holding Eva.
Hannah and Eva in the "Kiss Me" Froggy Outfit. (Thanks Aunt Anne!)
Eva "sleeps" and so is "banished" to the floor. "What? Where is this? Did someone put me on the floor?!"
It takes, two, three...nineteen, twenty seconds to wake up and cry out-- "Hey, I'm starving! Can't a cutie get some food around here?"
Here are some updates of little Eva. She is trying hard. We have learned some things: breast compression works some to keep her nursing longer and more awake. Because she tends to fall asleep, I pump after she nurses and finger feed the hindmilk (fat) to her. At three weeks, she had regained her birth weight (yea!) but hadn't pooped! We tried a tiny suppository and waited. She did have a little poop by the end of the night. Where is all that milk (and fat) going, Eva?


Mom4ever said...

She is a tiny sweetheart!

Jason and Jamie said...

i'm glad she is gaining weight!!! she is sure a cutie! and lucky to have siblings who love her so much!