Friday, May 28, 2010

School's Out!

Who knew Sixth grade Graduation was such a big deal?! (They did not do this when I went to the same elementary school). Got the children up, made a hot breakfast for them, and off to school (with thank yous and presents for their teachers) and then fed Susie and Eva. We got dressed (meaning I dressed everyone) and made it to the school for most of graduation. (Silly me, I wore navy slacks and not a skirt--oops). Hannah planned a big water activity to celebrate at 1:00 p.m. She graciously invited any Sixth Grade girl she saw. Rebekah came in swim suit with Jonathan and Susie joining after the hose and water "Volcano" toy was drug out. Too bad the sun disappeared behind the clouds. (Caroline still came to party). In preparation, Hannah got out a table cloth, Little Tikes table, made Orange Aid with frozen strawberries for refreshment with Nacho Cheese Doritos... Later, inside, Susie spilled the juice across the piano bench but cleaned it up with a new white towel. Then, she began emptying the juice from her tea pot into bins of toys! When asked "why!?" she stated that she wanted to "make more juice." Ahh, but of course! Joe picked up the movie The Spy Next Door (PG) with Jackie Chan. This turned out to be pretty fun for the whole family (The bag of licorice and cheddar pretzels were nice too). He then packed a sack lunch for the family to eat on the trampoline in the backyard. We ate Oscar Meyer Cheese hotdogs on bread (Joe's favorite), with Doritos, Apricot Nectar, and fresh mango. Welcome Summer!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fabulous Fourth Awards

Opps! My mind has been elsewhere lately. Over dinner we were talking about our day and I asked Rebekah, "So, your awards ceremony is still tomorrow?" "Mom, it was this morning! It's okay (you missed it!)" Wow--I felt badly. Rebekah received three awards:
  • Fabulous Fourth Award (Strict Attendance, Reading, and Participation goals must be met)
  • Fourth Place for Overall AR Points (a reading and test taking implementation from "No Child Left Behind."
  • The Utah Award for most points earned with a County Report.
Way to Go Sweetheart!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Twelve Years Ago

It is hard to believe that twelve years ago today, our first little lady was born! I remember when Joe and I were newly married. One night just after falling asleep I had a dream where I saw a baby bathed in golden light. I woke up and woke Joe and told him about it. We were not sure I would be able to have children with some of my health problems and my mothers challenges. When I learned I was expecting, I was very excited. I felt like I was walking on air. When I broke the news to Joe, he was so stunned he literally had to "take a seat." I thought he might pass out. He was dazed for quite some time. What a wonderful daughter you are, Hannah. We love you! (Today was Hannah and Rebekah's Track and Field Day at school. We brought Hannah a special "breakfast in bed," she opened some small presents, played with friends after school, came home for a pizza, movie, and cake celebration with her family and Grandparents and got her ear pierced at the Mall--what a day..."The best birthday I have ever had!" she responds. Hope it is each year.)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Eva weighs in a hefty four ounces heavier than last week. Yes, that is right, a whopping 6 lbs. 11 oz. The beginning of creation is chaos. I am walking through each (messy) room in a daze lately. That is her crying, again. She must have realized she is sleeping (alone)...after all, it has been five whole minutes since I put her in bed. Do you know how much mess a three year old can make when bored of "Max and Ruvy (Ruby)"? Yesterday alone she "played" or ate in each room on the main floor...brought me her toddler potty (a step stool) full of urine, swang in the tiny infant portable swing, spilled blueberry yogurt across the newly cleaned hard wood floor, brown carpet, etc. Microwaved hard candies which melted and hardened all over the glass plate, pushed the stool over to the locked basement door, unlocked it and went exploring in her sister's rooms, etc. Yes, she is neglected at times. We cuddle and I read to her when I feed Eva and she plays with siblings when they get home from school. Post Edit: Last night I was particularly tired. I didn't even pump before bed! (Gasp! I know--can you believe it!). I usually feel like I am drowning with a new baby for about 6-7 weeks...just not remembering the work. This kiddo has hypoglycemia and is particularly sleepy. It is no wonder she is not gaining weight because she honestly does not stay awake for a full feeding without much prodding and work. (My first daughter was this way...thankfully the children in between have not been.) SO, I am breastfeeding AND bottle feeding AND cleaning out pump equipment, finger feeders, and storage containers in between. (It's like having a hungry narcoleptic--anytime she is awake, she is "starving" typically. Thanks for letting me "whine" a bit. Pity party over, I hope all is well in your lives and I look forward to reading and catching up on your blogs when Eva is two or three months old.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Eva Updates

Susie, in her self selected Halloween shirt and skirt, holding Eva.
Hannah and Eva in the "Kiss Me" Froggy Outfit. (Thanks Aunt Anne!)
Eva "sleeps" and so is "banished" to the floor. "What? Where is this? Did someone put me on the floor?!"
It takes, two, three...nineteen, twenty seconds to wake up and cry out-- "Hey, I'm starving! Can't a cutie get some food around here?"
Here are some updates of little Eva. She is trying hard. We have learned some things: breast compression works some to keep her nursing longer and more awake. Because she tends to fall asleep, I pump after she nurses and finger feed the hindmilk (fat) to her. At three weeks, she had regained her birth weight (yea!) but hadn't pooped! We tried a tiny suppository and waited. She did have a little poop by the end of the night. Where is all that milk (and fat) going, Eva?


We begin in the front and then they dump it and then they go over the house and get a new load. And you thought they were all in Dubai!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy Aniversary Sweetheart!

Dear Joseph, Who could have imagined...thirteen years in the future!?
Fun at Lake Powell (1996)
Our Engagement Photo (1997)
University Graduation (4/28/97)
Our Wedding Day! (5/1/97) Russian Honeymoon
My First (Sixth Grade) Class
Our First Baby (1998)
Our First House
Her First Story Your First Master's Degree Here's to thirteen more years in love with you! Lucky Thirteen! Happy Anniversary!