Friday, October 9, 2009

Balance (and a new Baby)

This post title may seem a bit of an oxymoron--that is if you have ever had a baby. (Joe and I have been trying for another baby for quite awhile. Doctors, hormones, tests..."It is impossible--you cannot get pregnant right now when your LFH and SFH levels are low and almost the same," we were told by a fertility/hormone specialist at the beginning of August). So, perhaps I overcompensated...At the beginning of this new school year, I am not sure what inspired me to sign up for so much (Back to School Mania?): The Art Start Mom for Hannah and Rebekah's classes, a weekly "Reading Mother"volunteer in Jonathan's class (I thought this was a one time come and read event), room-mother for one holiday per child, per class, etc. At this same time I was asked to speak on Egypt to all the Sixth Grades (Dress ups, alabaster, papyrus, figs/dates/and humus, etc). Shortly after I was asked to speak about serving a mission to Finland to the Achievement Day Girls (Pictures, souvenirs, tastes of the country, etc). I am (was) the first name in our area to answer LLL (breastfeeding calls), sometimes over three hours worth of calls to new parents with "problems" a day, attend leader applicant meetings, teach monthly (free) breastfeeding classes in the community, etc! The morning after Back to School Night, the pregnancy test came back positive. Positive? But it was "impossible" for me to conceive! (Apparently, the word impossible does not mean totally impossible and the Lord works in mysterious ways and has a healthy sense of humor). Then comes that sneaky little cold...which turned into a blazing sinus infection, and then went to my chest! Smoldering fever, hacking coughs, green snot, (you get the picture) for several weeks. Oh, did I mention First Trimester NAUSEA made ten times worse by post nasal drip and thick mucus. Having made it past the first trimester, we want to announce our pregnancy. I am due in April 2010. If any of my odd blogs have thrown you for a loop lately, forgive me. I am nauseated, sleep deprived and try to find--balance.


Jason and Jamie said...

Congrats! I am very excited for you and your family--hopefully you will feel great the rest of your pregnancy! Truly, nothing is impossible!

Mom4ever said...

YAAAAAAY!!! What wonderful news! Congratulations to you and your family! May your sanity survive your blessings. :o)

Jodi said...


Jodi said...

By the way, I am not some weirdo (well, I am, but at least one you know), but I had to change my info. to something impersonal for school.
Awesome about the baby, but sorry for all the sickness and hope you feel better soon (and that you can cut back on some of the activities)!

Jodi Clayton

isoinpapu said...

Paljon onnea! Ihanaa!

Paras uutinen!

RJ said...

Oh Julie! How I wish we lived closer! I am so happy for you and wish I could come bring you dinner! I think I'd prefer the traditional "service-meals" in the first trimester than with a new born :). Much love, Rachel

Ginny said...

First of all CONGRATS!! Very exciting stuff. And a little crazy at the same time. Laughed at your over-compensation on the school front. I TOTALLY get that. Except my surprise came in the form of a new calling instead of a new baby. I'm good with that. Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy! congrats again!!!

Becca said...

Congratulations! We're so happy for you. Try and send some of that baby dust our way... we seem to need it.