Halloween on a Saturday means that school celebrates on Friday and then Trunk-or-Treat (when neighborhoods get together at the church parking lot and open their trunks for children to go "trick or treating" from trunk to trunk is done on Saturday night. Lots of candy and celebration! (I am guessing that next year will be much of the same if Halloween is held on a Sunday).
This year Miss H's class went roller blading at Classic Skating. Miss R and Mr. J were in the school parade. Their principle was a "Red Neck Hero" complete with fake teeth, duct tape and WD-40--"That'll fix most anythin!"
Jonathan chose to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Rebekah was our family costume: a soup can. I brought a Pegasus costume for Susie to wear. Unfortunately, we were right next to a little Snow White. So, Susie wore her costume for photos and insisted she take it off. (Had she been wearing the princess dress, I don't think we could have pried it off her. That's just her personality.

Our Souper Lady
Ninja Turtle meets Dad

Later, Joe, Susie, and I took naps while big children wash, cut, and carved pumpkins. (They used the pumpkin tools cutter which are not technically sharp, they use serrated edges and friction). When we got up we ate leftovers and watched Disney's Return to Halloween Town.
During the movie, Huckleberry and Morgana snuggled close and slept--
teaching the girls that all their fighting was "cat play."

Joe put Huckleberry in Hannah's carved out pumpkin.

Morgana, on the other hand, was having none of it!
1 comment:
You have to love the multiple days that we get to celebrate Halloween depending upon what day of the week it falls. I love your family soup costumes Thanks for your thoughtful comment!
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