Monday, January 19, 2009

A New Year and A New Book

Wow, I am still trying to catch up to the new year and all that has happened the last several weeks in our family. I will post holiday pictures and updates soon. We have actually read several books since Christmas...but the book I am currently enjoying is The Other Side of Heaven (or In the Eye of the Storm) by John H. Groberg about his mission experiences to the people of Tonga. So far, he has expressed eloquently much of what I wish I could have expressed about serving a mission to Finland. This book is also interesting in that at the time I served a mission to the frozen North, naively, I felt that serving a mission somewhere tropical would be much easier. As we learned doing member missionary work in Hawaii (twice) since my mission, Hawaii had its own unique set of challenges and temptations and hardships. Perhaps it comes down to the fact that hard work, faith, and a degree of total reliance on the Lord is mandatory to grow as a missionary. Need a good book recommendation, consider this one.

1 comment:

Jason and Jamie said...

That sounds like an interesting book--I haven't ever heard of that one. I'm sure all missions have their challenges but when I could no longer feel my toes I sure thought some other place would have been easier!