As those of you with children know, there is often never a dull moment! Tonight, after the elementary "Extravaganza," Joe and I left all four children in our bedroom watching "Night at the Museum" while we drove to a market (three minutes down the street).
We were participating in a neighborhood yard sale in the morning and wanted to get round price stickers, cereal, and a treat for Friday night. (We also bought along Stephenie Meyer's new novel
The Host that Joe is excited about reading. We finished up Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George just today).
At the store we ran into a friend of Hannah's mother. After chatting a few minutes, we left and I read to Joe as we headed home. As our house came into view, Joe gasped and said,"Julie, Look!" In front of our house their was a firetruck, ambulance, and police car--all with lights on and circling and an unknown gray sedan in our driveway. "Oh no!"
Joe parked across the street and I jumped out and ran towards the house, sick to my stomach, smelling for smoke and listening. I reached the front door and opened it to find nine uniformed Emergency personnel in the front entryway, along with my children and Aunt Beth and a friend Troy (the gray car).
Beth was smiling. I looked around. "Are you the mother?" a man asks. "Yes," I hesitantly respond. "Your daughter here (Hannah) called us at 911 because her brother fell and hit his head on your treadmill and she was concerned about the blood. She was pretty nervous about your response and we just want you to know that that she was brave and did the right thing."
My immediate thought was,"No she did not! Joe had his cell phone and she never called it, we were closer than the fire station!" I kept this to myself. The men were very friendly and it seemed to be a slow night for Emergencies along the Wasatch Front. They stayed and chatted, signed autographs for Rebekah and told me differing advice on whether or not to get it stitched or "let it be (scar over) and help make him look like a boy!"
After we served Aunt Beth and Troy drinks and strawberries and heard how they had just come minutes before and about Rebekah using a white washcloth to stanch the blood, we butterflied the small hole closed on Jonathan's forehead, called Grandpa Clayton and discussed gluing the wound tomorrow at his office and went to bed. Never a dull moment!
That was quite the experience! I can only imagine what it felt like to pull up to your house and see all of the emergency vehicles! That's good that everyone and everything is ok.
NO WAY! That is so dang crazy, like every mother's personal nightmare really, until the happy ending. Whoosh. Hey meant to ask you how old Susanna is, how much food compared to breast milk does she eat - really I just need to call you. I'm fascinated with this whole thing, I feel good overall and know Sophia is getting what she needs from breast milk, but just want more discussion with you! I'll call you soon!
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