Saturday, May 31, 2008

Just in time for Summer!

Kissing Anyone?... When my sister turned down a movie last weekend due to horrible headaches, she called her doctor who ordered blood work. (She has kidney disease). The blood work came back showing she had monocytes off the charts. Being so close and doing many things with family (cousins), we figured we would get tested. Half of our family (Mom, Miss H, and Susie) have active Mono (mononucleosis)! Who would have guessed? Poor kids...We found out on the last day of school. (The last days have been state testing...Miss H has been complaining of being so tired it was hard to think of 3x3). Rest, rest, rest...And less kissing, of course!


Jenny said...

oh my! I hope the little ones and the big ones get lots of rest. Take care. We'll be praying for you. Do you have it too?

Julie said...

Julie, Hannah, and Susannah have positive monospot cultures...Will Joe, Rebekah and Jonathan get it? Who knows?

Jason and Jamie said...

I'm sorry to hear about this! Hopefully you are able to get a lot of rest and feel better soon!