Monday, September 19, 2011

Currently on the Bookshelf:

Currently on our bookshelf is Ree Drummond's bestseller,

The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels--A Love Story

I have loved reading her love story and would love to write my own...someday. Hope you are enjoying a good book! Any suggestions for the next good read?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Sweet Little Guy

My sweet little guy went out into the yard today and brought in a Sunday surprise! I love roses and the baby roses from which this little bunch were gathered are my Wedding Roses, bought in pots and used to line the steps up to the Art Museum where we held our reception.

Around the glass he has written a note with his creative spelling: "Mom is vary good. To mom. Moms make kids hapy. I love Mom. Mom makes me hapy (smiley face)." I have been serving in the Nursery of the ward for four months now. I enjoy playing with the little ones but find it an isolated, invisible calling. Being a stay-at-home full time mother I miss the Sunday adult interaction and spiritual messages from Sunday School and Relief Society.

Joe has been adrift (without a calling) at church and was pulled aside today by a member of the Bishopric and asked to join me in the Nursery. I couldn't stop embarrassing tears and so I ran to hide out in the nearby bathroom until they passed. How ridiculous. Crybaby. Of course we will serve the Lord among the little children He loved so much.

(This day was so reminiscent of us, in this ward, a decade ago, being called to be Nursery Leaders.) I am surrounded by little people whom I am learning to love and nurture all morning long, all week long--now on Sundays, with Joe, too.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Bloom Where You are Planted

Joe and I were walking among the rose garden and found a beautiful pink opening bud...the last of any this season. He suggested picking it and we brought it inside and put it by the sink and loved watching (and smelling it) blossom! (Can we enjoy a rose for it's beauty and sweetness even though it has thorns?)

The Scout and His New Glasses

We are exploring new worlds--cub scouts and wearing new glasses. Third grade is Great!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Little Princess and Her Funny Sayings

Little Princess has been saying funny things lately... Sunday morning she came into my closet where I was putting on Nearly Black nylons. "What are you doing?!" "I am putting on nylons. They are like tights or leggings for older girls." "Really?" She continues to stare and watch. "Seriously--that really creeps me out!" "Creeps me out!" she whispers under her breath as she exits the closet. (Later at church in Nursery a visiting girl named Coco sits next to me during the Lesson. She reaches down and pulls on my nylons--again and again, stretching out the gray spandex-like skin, a befuddled expression on her face). Earlier in the week, Princess is sitting at the preschool table eating snack with her other class mates. I look back. "No! I am not your girlfriend!" She jumps up from the table and stand behind the table--her hands out in front of her looking shocked. "Don't you know I am only four years old!? I am NOT seventeen. I am too young to have a boyfriend!" She sits back down. Drama Queen! I come over to the table and sit beside her. "Susie. Preston and Nathan are boys and they are your friends, so they are boy friends. You are right. You are too young to have a boyfriend but you can have girl and boy friends." Everyone goes back to eating snacks.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Am I a Good Mother?

Kind of pathetic--to buy blueberry Kefir instead of the strawberry that was in my hand because I loved the art on the bottle of the blueberry (and it was the only one like it left). What would you do? I've been thinking a lot about the kind of mother I am lately. Things have been rather stressful with schools starting, extracurricular and church activities, making up my own preschool curriculum and teaching preschool to Princess and baby. I have wanted more, more TIME, more patience, more knowledge, more spirituality, more of me to do the incrredible and unrealistic tasks that I expect of me. How do you do it? How do you cope? I began with an extra long prayer this morning, extra early and then began running. I think it helped. (Pictured above is Strawberry yogurt drink and a bottle of Blueberry Kefir. Different pre and probiotics in each, I figured. Thanks to my great sister-in-law I have Kefir starter and have been culturing this sour milk and bought yogurt and store bought Kefir to dilute mine and make it more drinkable.)