Kind of pathetic--to buy blueberry Kefir instead of the strawberry that was in my hand because I loved the art on the bottle of the blueberry (and it was the only one like it left). What would you do?
I've been thinking a lot about the kind of mother I am lately. Things have been rather stressful with schools starting, extracurricular and church activities, making up my own preschool curriculum and teaching preschool to Princess and baby. I have wanted more, more TIME, more patience, more knowledge, more spirituality, more of me to do the incrredible and unrealistic tasks that I expect of me.
How do you do it? How do you cope? I began with an extra long prayer this morning, extra early and then began running. I think it helped.
(Pictured above is Strawberry yogurt drink and a bottle of Blueberry Kefir. Different pre and probiotics in each, I figured. Thanks to my great sister-in-law I have Kefir starter and have been culturing this sour milk and bought yogurt and store bought Kefir to dilute mine and make it more drinkable.)
Love the kefir art! I'm glad you are able to make a kefir drink you guys like. Do your kids like it too? Sam won't touch it but Eli and Cora like it.
Julie you are a great mom! You have 5 kids and many things going on so of course you are over tired and over worked and feel like you don't have enough time. That has to be a normal feeling by most moms.
Sometimes when my time seems all used up and I still feel like I am not getting things done or doing a good job at it, I try to think of the article Good, Better, Best by Dallin H. Oaks. Here is a quote:
We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families.
Maybe you have already read it. It's a good one though. I like to read it every now and then. Kinda my theme lately. Finding out what the "best" part is for our family.
Let me have your kids over sometime if you need a break. Sam loves to play with Susie and Cora tolerates friends :) Love you Julie.
Thanks for your comment! Susie likes Kefir and will drink it rather sour. The rest of my children like it when I put it in a smoothie or mix it with yogurt and flavoring. Joe's response was "if you put it in a smoothie and I don't know what I'm drinking--I will drink it." (Sarcastic)Nice, huh! :)
I am slowly catching up (decluttering, cleaning, planning, juggling schedules, etc.). Yesterday morning felt very do-able. We are simplifying and I am telling my children "no" when they ask for friends over, etc. because I end up doing EVERYTHING around here and I want them to learn and do their part too.
How are you doing? I should have Sam and Cora here to play! Call me. I would love to have them come over.
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