Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm Spineless

After finding the date of my last Dexascan (so my insurance would pay for this "Postmenapausal" test), I scheduled another to follow up (nine years after the first) on my bone density. I wake almost every morning now with lower back pain and feeling very weak in my core. Results of the scab: the good news is I've put on 3% more mass on my femur (from three more weight bearing pregnancies?). The bad news is that all three areas of my spine are down 10%. Yes, I am truly "spineless!" Our new doctor looked at the results and wrote me a prescription for Fossimax cautioning me to take much more calcium and Vitamin D so the body can utilize this in helping to lay down more bone. Isn't it ironic...my name means "youthful one"?

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