Once a year, Dad has a special meeting on a Saturday and this year he invited us all to his workplace, Educator's Mutual Insurance Association in Murray. (I don't think Jonathan actually knows Joe "works" at anything but computer games). He was able to show us his new office (with white walls, redwood furniture, and round conference table). The wall art he got for his birthday was very handsome...He needs more plants. The children were especially drawn to him clear glass container of
gummy bears. Hannah to his desk with two flat screen computer monitors on it.
The older girls went with Dad to the
UEA Building where the meeting was being held...with a catered breakfast and lunch provided! Joe was running the presentation and so the girls sat quietly on the front row.
Hannah was excited because she won THE best door prize
an Ipod docking station/stereo/alarm clock.
Rebekah was given a $25.oo Visa gift card from Andy
Galano (the generous president of the company). At first, she didn't understand what a prize this was and now that she does, it has been burning a hole in her pocket ever since!
Mom and the younger billies went shopping (post Halloween) at Wally's (
Wal-Mart). We looked at "toys" per Jonathan's request...and down the Halloween Clearance isle (because like
Hyea Won, "we love Clarence!") and we bought cousin Lolly a cute Pink Winged Princess Pony you
wear for $5. for her birthday. Hannah Montana candy bracelets and Pop Rocks were .50 a bag and movies for Thanksgiving and Josh
Groban's Christmas CD was on sale.
We joined Joe after for some lunch leftovers and brought them to Murray park where it still had snow...Lots of snow! We ate a fun
picnic lunch there,
fed popcorn to some (fat) ducks, and as we
walked around the Vida Park we heard an amazing thing. In the far distance over the fir tree tops, there was a loud honking noise--almost like a siren of various sorts. The sound increased in volume and we stopped with our necks craned to the sky.
Four Canadian Geese flew over the trees and swooped low right over our family and hung a "U" and landed in the river behind us! Apparently, they did not want to miss out on all the old movie popcorn the fat, shy ducks were getting. It was an awe inspiring experience.
I was too slow with the video or camera of, course!
When we ran out of popcorn, Jonathan began feeding the ducks and geese gummy bears! Yummy! Do you think they like them?

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