Sunday, November 30, 2008
Jonathan and Susie Sleep Over
Our "Sleeping Chamber"...
Hannah's wish came true (even thought I won the wish from the wishbone pull on Turkey Day). She and Rebekah slept over at Grandpa and Grandma Clayton's cabin and so the two youngest were left home with Joe and I. Joe went in and snapped this picture of the cute two--beds made up by Jonathan on our bedroom floor. (It lasted two minutes and Susie was out of bed finding us on the computer and Jonathan, of course, was out of bed finding Susie).
Saturday, November 29, 2008
THE Pecan Pie
Pecan Pie BY Julie Campbell and Marguerite Henderson
4 eggs, beaten
1 cup sugar
¼ tsp. salt
1 cup light corn syrup
2 tsp. flour
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup pecan pieces
1 cup pecan halves
9” pie shell (uncooked)
Bake at 350 for 45 to 50 minutes. Serve with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.
**P.S. I have downloaded this picture several times and I don't know why it is flipping turn your head to the side and enjoy this picture and then go and make your own super yummy pecan pie...unless you are like Rebekah who informed us this year,"I don;t care like pecan pie!" Then go and eat your pumpkin pie then!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Kindergarter Thanksgiving
Friday, November 21, 2008
Twilight Premiere
12:10 a.m. Joe and Julie watch Twilight Premiere.
(Popcorn, Sprite, M&M's, no children, date...)
2:40 a.m. Wow!
When will they come out with New Moon?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Rebekah's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day!
Today was one of those days for daughter number two. Little brother tripped on the way into school and fell into her causing her to fall and sending her (15 day old) glasses flying. Broken! Then to top it off, all the trophies, certificates, and ribbons for the PTA Reflections Contest came back and she didn't get anything for her originally composed song, "Wow! Joy and Love."
Rebekah informed me last night that since Jonathan's surgery we have not been treating all the children fairly--like we love them. (Hannah tried to shush her up on this one because of all the movies and fun food they have been allowed and little to no homework or piano but Rebekah still carried on crying all the same.)
After school we drank extra rich hot cocoa, read stories, and danced crazy in the kitchen...She did get a reading coupon for a free pan pizza at Pizza Hut and free sherbet at Hogi Yogi. Yeah!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Finding JOY...bit by bit
Does life ever seem hard?
Lately, life seems a little too real, too hard at times. Today, on less sleep, life seems funny. In glimpses of sunshine this morning--I am laughing and realizing that joys can be found, bit by bit.
I found an old friend this morning.
At least I consider him to be one.
I have been watching the progress of Stephanie and Christian Nielsen who were burned in a private airplane crash in Arizona in August. Stephanie's sister has been keeping up NieNie Dialogues and also her own blog "C Jane." She mentioned that their brother also has had a blog since 2005--The Jolly Porter.
For those of you who went on a mission to Finland, Veli Clark is Stephanie Nielsen's brother! He has a hilarious blog and it was so fun to laugh, and laugh, and laugh some more. Am I the only one who takes life a wee bit too seriously sometimes...okay, most of the time!?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Cake and Ice Cream (Jonathan's Second Surgery)
Couldn't sleep. Nervous! Hope everything would go well.
Awoke early to take Jonathan to the hospital. Joe got up briefly--only to be sick and go back to bed and sleep near Susie. (He had a temporary crown put on yesterday over a new root canal).
Jonathan whispered,"Mom, it isn't morning yet!" 6:20 a.m. still looks a lot like night, I agreed.
Check-in at the hospital, Jonathan crouches next to me and complains about the cold morning air. I move him (in rock position) closer to my right ankle. Two minutes later, he is GONE! A kind elderly couple behind points down the curved marble hallway. Eighty yards down the formal entryway of marble and pillars and as yet closed counters, a nurse is pointing quietly. I creep around a pillar, behind a fake ficus tree, and under a closed counter ledge--Jonathan? "I don't want to be here, Mom" he whispers up at me. "I know." I scoop him up and carry him with me. "I don't want to be here (alone) either!"
After accepting the inevitable, sweet nurses guided our way through. 19 kg. No fever. Groovy pajamas. Card making kit with stickers, paper, crayons, a wooden truck and "Slither" the stuffed snake--lucky boy! Medicine to swallow, no "I can't breathe!" mask to wear to fall asleep.
This surgery removed a triangle of bone and then two pins (which look like crossed metal chop sticks) hold the newly straightened thumb in place.
Recovery was longer. I await my boy. Joe comes with Susie. Susie thinks waiting quietly and sitting is too long.
We go for a walk.
Yeah! Jonathan is wheeled back by two guys laughing because "I am going to eat cake and Ice-cream!"Jonathan has told. (Huh!? We don't have cake or ice-cream at home, uh-oh.)
"Take it off! Please, nurse, take this off!" Jonathan pleads with the discharge nurse, ignoring the removal of the sticky heplock and I.V. and motioning to his right bandaged hand.
We negotiate a deal--the bandages come off around Christmas..."And Christmas is in two days so that isn't long..." Jonathan tells Susie in the car.
**Jonathan was born with a double thumb jointed on his right hand--his "lucky thumb." He was indeed a "six fingered man" if you are familiar with A Princess Bride. His first operation was January 27, 2008. (The plan was to have both surgeries before he started school). If interested, Joe blogged about it and showed before and after pictures.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Dad's Annual Meeting
Friday, November 7, 2008
Colnial Hannah
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Oh, Oh, The Sweetest Thing
The last couple of days as Joe, the children or I have said prayers, we will hear a little whisper at the same time. As we look down, toddler Susie in a hushed voice is saying,"Dahee (daddy), Bekah, Jonanan, Momma, Hannah..." and sometimes things like "happy" or "spagehee (spaghetti)" in her own little prayer. It is very sweet to see her kneel and pray with us at night...short but very sweet.
Also, she has an affinity to a "pooh-brus" (toothbrush)that the Great Pumpkin delivered. It flashes to show how long one should brush.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Harvest Party
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