Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Self Portrait by Artist Girl

We have been weathering one sickness after another around here since I "tricked" on Halloween with walking pneumonia, bronchitis, and sinusitis. Stomach bug has brought more unpleasantness. 6 down so far, 1 to go. Artist girl has not and claims she will not fall victim to the bug. She has been working on the above self-portrait sketch. What do you think? (She is 11)


Melissa and Matt said...

WOW! That self portrait is amazing! Good job Rebekah! Keep it up.

Hope the rest of you start feeling better fast!

Jason and Jamie said...

Wow--that self portrait is incredible! a very talented artist!

sorry to hear that you've all been sick--hopefully you'll all be better soon!

Jodi said...

I'm sorry about all the sickness!

The picture is incredible! That girl has some talent!!! Is she taking art lessons?

Julie said...

Thanks you, Melissa, Jamie, and Jodi. I think she is very talented too. She has never had an art lesson but is self motivated to learn and splurged at the recent Book Sale at school and bought art books. She won the school's PTA Reflections Contest in Art and Photography and so will go onto region. I will post the winning entries. Hope you are all well and have a Happy Thanksgiving!