Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rebekah's Testimony

This morning was Fast Sunday in our Latter-day Saint congregation. We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called "Mormons" for short because we believe in another book of scripture, along with the Bible, called The Book of Mormon). Fast Sunday is the first Sunday of each month. We, baptized members and adults over age eight, go without food for two meals and give a Fast Offering (a generous amount of money we would have spent on the meals to the bishop of the ward to give to the hungry and needy). In return, we pray for a specific purpose and "feast" on spiritual matters instead. Our Sacrament Meeting, where all members gather together, is different too. Instead of having people from the congregation give talks and perform music, members go to the podium as prompted by the Spirit and "bear testimonies" or speak from our heart about the truths of the Gospel to uplift and strengthen one another. Rebekah got up and walked to the front today. This is the spirit of what she said," I was reading a few days ago and I came across a saying that I thought about a lot. The saying was, 'If we saw ourselves as God pictured us to be, we would rise up and never be the same again.' I was thinking about that and was thinking how easy it would be if we all pictured each other and treated each other as God pictured us to be. I read that and after I read that I decided to be a better person because I haven't been doing the best I could do lately--and so I'm gonna try and be the best person God wants me to be and I think you could try and be as well. I bear this testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." I sat back amazed at this beautiful young woman (who was so frightened at age eight to go up and shake the hand of the Bishop after her baptism, that she insisted I go up to the front with her) and her insight--years ahead of her mere ten years. This touched a cord with many adults who spoke with me and Joe afterward. I received this email after church labeled simply, "for your daughter." Your daughter's testimony today about seeing others and ourselves as God see us reminds of one of my favorite poems.
We never know how high we are
Till we are called to rise;
And then, if we are true to plan,
Our statures touch the skies–
The Heroism we recite
Would be a normal thing,
Did not ourselves the Cubits warp
For fear to be a King– [I like to say "Queen" here]
Emily Dickinson Joe was told that several of the Sunday School classes mentioned Rebekah's testimony as well. How would I act if I could picture what Heavenly Father saw in me?


Ginny said...

so i am sitting here with tears in my eyes...just what i need to hear and a dear friend needed as well. i will be passing on the poem to her. thank you for sharing.

Jason and Jamie said...

that is so sweet! that really made my day. you always wonder how much your children learn and then sometimes they say things that give great insight into their thinking and then you have a better understanding!

we are doing well--i have started working some so it seems like there is never enough time in a day to do what i want/ need to do. . . and blogging has fallen by the way for the time being. . .