This weekend, we celebrated Valentines. This year, we had lower expectations and played things by ear. (So Joe and I went and bought a present for me at Shopko together on Saturday night. We have not done that before--usually it is a surprise). We were supposed to be "camping out" at my parents old A-style cabin on Saturday night but as the night fell, I got more and more nauseated. My children were understanding as we put aside the things we were going to take and ate heart shaped pizza, made chocolate chip cookies (thanks Papa Murphys' Valentine Special dinner for$9.99) and Joe's requested BBQ Chicken pizza. Joe read aloud to me and the children watched The Princess Bride instead.
The Valentine Bird left dazzling Sweethearts for the children and little figurines for each child. It was odd not having chocolates today (but probably saved me some weight). Joe brought out a Symphony bar he has saved since Christmas and we shared it and read a new book together.
Sunday morning we woke the children to a special big breakfast. We ate bacon, whole wheat pancakes with cream and berries (blue and raspberry), Smuckers flavored syrups, scrambled eggs, and white grape juice. I love having late church! Joe had no meeting this morning and it was so nice to have him home helping get the Nursery Treat Bucket ready, four children dressed, and out the door on time!
After church, the children and I worked on Valentines for family and went to Family Dinner.
We dropped Hannah and Rebekah off to Jane's house for a birthday sleep over and visited Mom and Dad Campbells' with Valentine presents.
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