Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Funny Things Children Say
This morning I asked daughter number two (9 yrs. old) where daughter number one (11 almost 12 yrs. old) was since I was almost time to leave for early morning choir (7:35 a.m.) and she had not shown up for breakfast. "Sad to say but she is still getting dressed. Apparently, this world is a world of options and H (daughter number one) just can't make up her mind!" I laughed. What an interesting way of saying "she's still getting dressed!" "What? What's so funny?" Daughter number two asks. Good Morning Wednesday.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Susie and the Snowball

Monday, February 15, 2010
A Valentines without Chocolate (Valentines Weekend)

Thursday, February 11, 2010
A Bunburying Day
Susie and I have been at it again. How tricky it is being three. She delights us by the things she says. She delighted me with her "schemas" (or early drawings showing a circle head and feet, eyes, and hair--not just "scribbles.") That is, until she drew schemas all over the counters (in black crayon) and a play table--I blame Elmo and the Elmo's World movies she got for her birthday. She is very sweet to "baby" and kisses and hugs and talks to her (my pregnant belly) often. She has also begun to tantrum (when hungry and tired).
Susie has had some very late nights (or early mornings) where we have both struggled to sleep. Last night, unfortunately, was another one of those. This morning I noticed the remains of a fine rash all over her body...Roseolla? Normally, I would go back to bed after getting the big children off but she awoke early and the All Pro service man came just as I was headed (hopefully) back to sleep. Unpredicted snow flakes fell softly. I muddled along, so tired.
In The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde, Jack Worthing, the plays protagonist and upstanding citizen, pretends to have a black sheep brother "Ernest" in the city who is often getting in scrapes and causing Jack to rush off and rescue him. In fact, Ernest is Jack--in the city. Jacks close friend, Algernon, suspects Jacks double ways and has his own Mr. Bunbury, an imaginary chronic invalid to whom he rushes off to visit at his deathbed. Bunbury becomes the catch all to the plays double life deeds. Today, I was Bunburying too. I thought of all I needed to do and instead spent the morning and early afternoon reading about abuse among the Amish (random, I know). Then I picked up Nicholas Sparks novel, A Walk to Remember. The sun was out, children coming home from school, and I read on and cried. (The movie is updated and in some ways because I saw it first, I prefer it to the book. It is still a sweet story). Children got home and spread out their Valentine party loot. The sun is setting and I have bunburried the day away...oh, well. It was nice to come "home" to my children and inform them that Mr. Bunburry was very "sick" and now his heart is better, perhaps.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Valentine Fun Ideas (Cheap and Easy)
This year, most of us are feeling the financial pinch and also wondering what to do for Valentines weekend. My children get out of school Friday (Teacher Comp Day) through Monday (President's Day) and so it will be a long weekend.
Some Valentine Ideas:
For that someone special in your life:
Purchase, recycle, reuse a pretty apothecary-type jar with a ribbon around it. On the front you might label: Happiness Notes.
For example:
*Joseph's Happiness Notes
These notes are guaranteed to uplift, encourage, and please you. To be drawn at the rate of one per week (or day).
- Good for an evening of undivided attention playing a computer game (Age of Mythology, Fiesta, etc.).
- Good for one special moonlight walk together.
- Good for a dessert of your choice (cookies, chewy brownies, )
- Good for one extra long back rub.
- Good for a Redbox movie of your choice.
- Good for a quiet evening reading the book of your choice.
- Good for a romantic evening together.
- Good for a special big kiss.
- Good for a pedicure: foot soak, rub, and massage with lotion.
- Good for one extra special dinner request.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Happy Groundhog's Day!
Joe and I have a tradition today. It started a couple of years ago rather informally. We meet for dinner and a movie upstairs. Dinner is grape juice, shrimp with cocktail sauce, rice, and a vegetable egg roll with sweet and sour sauce. The movie is Groundhog Day (with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell) of course! We set the children up for dinner downstairs and a "G" movie under Hannah's supervision. They had turkey hot dogs, corn, and Broccoli Au Gratin Rice.
The yearly movie viewing is a good reminder to me of the transformation that one person can undergo when they forget themselves and go to work making the situation in which they have been placed or "stuck in" a better place. Winter by this point in the season usually seems too long and gray (being a non-skier and non-sledder, very pregnant). Bekah has begun to despair, "Will Spring ever come?"
That little hog, Punxsutawny Phil, always seems to "predict" six more weeks of Winter. Has he ever predicted Spring right now--practically tomorrow?! I don't think so. I love one of the closing lines when Phil (Bill Murray) asks Rita (Andie MacDowell) ", Is there anything I can do for you today?" there anything that I can do for you today?
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