Freedom Festival Parade

Ashtons: Ren, Joe, Rosie and children.

It was hot!

Hannah and cousin Jane smiling after eating cotton candy.

Aunt Beth and Lolly (Lauren).

Mom and Susie.

Lauren and Susie.

Bekah and Mom.

Cute Couple!

Whose that cute guy!?

"Deep Discussions" over excellent food at Anne's.

Children play games on Anne's B-ball Court (Jackson, Hannah, Mick, Ian, and Rowan)

Lolly and Susie caught "hanging out" on the steps.

Funny Man Dave threatening.

Thanks Aunt Anne for the glo sticks! They were a hit.

Aunt Lisa with a Cherry Chocolate Pie.

Independence Day this year was exciting because we had Joe's sister Cathleen and her family in town. Joe got up early and made Scrambled egg sandwiches for breakfast and bagged up 24 for the group. We sat together and watched the Freedom Festival Parade. Afterwards, we went to Grandpa Clayton's pool and had the traditional pool party with extended family.
We drove home for quick naps and then to Aunt Anne's house for a Campbell/Eggertson/Ashton Family BBQ. Dave Campbell had his girlfriend Kelleyn come for desserts. At dusk, we drove over to my sister, Lisa Ashton's house for pies and fireworks. In our neighborhood, lighting off sparklers and fireworks is prohibited. Joe and Jonathan helped Uncle Matt provide the pyrotechnics to wow the crowd before the Stadium of Fire fireworks. At one point, I lost Susie in the darkness. I found her inside the house having a great time with cousins Lauren, Cami, and Andrew playing dress ups (so much funner than waiting for fireworks in the dark, buggy outside I guess!).
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