Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day! ("Off" does wash out of the eye)

We had an enjoyable Independence Holiday with a BBQ on the 3rd with Joe's family with fireworks and glow sticks. On July 4th, the Freedom Festival Parade followed by a swimming picnic party with my family. The girls had their pictures taken by Miss Provo. Jonathan and Susie were wiggly during the fireworks and towards the end of the evening Jonathan spied Amy's "Deep Woods Off" mosquito repellent under a chair. He squirted his eye, point blank range, and began to scream. When I asked him why he did this he mentioned, "Doesn't it make the air smell good (Air freshner=good smelling eye ball?). The package said to run a steady stream of water over it for 15-20 minutes, then call 911, then a doctor. We went home and Jonathan was patient in the tub while I ran water through his eyes with a cup...he felt better. Stories and bed, midnight. We feel very lucky to live in this wonderful country and pray for peace everywhere.


Jason and Jamie said...

It looks like you had a fun holiday!

Jenny said...

I love small town parades! and the best part about being in Utah for the 4th is buying your own fireworks. So much better than the city's, IMHO. :)