Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Heroine, Elizabeth Smart, Said

"Nobody is trial-free,
but we have a choice,
we can choose to allow
our experiences to hold us back,
and to not allow us to become great
or achieve greatness in this life.
Or we can allow our experiences
to push us forward,
to make us grateful
for every day we have and to be
all the more thankful for those who are around us."
--Elizabeth Smart, April 2012


Jason and Jamie said...

thanks for sharing that! very well said--hopefully it's something i can follow!

Julie said...

Dear Jamie,
She is amazing--isn't she! What a wonderful spokesperson for the Church. I was touched by the article in KSL, I'll include a link to the article. She mentions her mother's "unconditional love" and I felt I could do better letting my children know and FEEL this from me. I'm so happy she is happy! (The day she was kidnapped my mother-in-law said it would be better if she died and was "NOT rescued"! I puzzled over this but realized that she and her daughters have suffered from somewhat a "victim" mentality. Elizabeth comes across as Victorious, not a victim to circumstance.
Hope you are well. I admire your strength. You are strong.