Thursday, August 20, 2009

Funny Kid Quotes

This morning while the children were getting ready for school, I noticed Jonathan's hair was sticking up all over. "Jonathan, it looks like your hair needs you." "Grr, I thought I did it last night!" (Hannah overheard and testified that he did, indeed, comb and gel it last night before bed! He he). Yesterday, I picked up Aunt Melissa's boys to let her and Matt get a bite of lunch together. Susie and Sam sat quietly while Eli (four years old) chatted to me the whole way home. "What is your name?" "Aunt Julie." "Oh, yeah, mom destroyed our house! Then she threw down the scissors." (Pruned shrubs out front and was scared off by wasps). We pass BYU. "Look there--that is Becci's school!" "Becci's ring says 'CTR,' Do you know what CTR means, Julie, do you?" He doesn't wait for a response. "It means Choose The Right!" "Yeah." "So don't ever choose the left! ... That is very bad. Never choose the left!" (He murmurs the last bit in hushed tones) Happy Birthday Melissa! We await your baby girl...soon! Sunday afternoon we were eating chicken fajitas, avocados, and corn after church. Susie is eating a tortilla with cheese, only. I put a teaspoon of corn on her plate and a tiny piece of avocado. I am a wishful thinker. I encourage her,"Susie, will you please eat a bite of corn?" "No, I can't! Because it is not food!"


Becca said...

Ha ha ha! Thanks for the good laughs!

Matt and Melissa said...

We have had that conversation about the CTR. I'm not sure how else to explain it to him. He is funny how he thinks of things. I love what Susie said about corn. I guess that's how it must taste to her. She is funny!

Jason and Jamie said...

i love kid conversations! thanks for the laughs!

Jenny said...

This was a great post! I love kid quotes.