Campbell Family - May 2011
December 4, 2011
Dear Family and Friends,
This Christmas we just wanted to let you know how thankful we are for the gospel of Jesus Christ. As we celebrate the birth of Christ this year, we are so thankful for the steadiness of the church, and the foundation that we have. The world is going through tumultuous times, and we are seeing difficulties on every side. But all of the fury of the storms around seem to fade away as we focus on the town of Bethlehem and on the quiet of the stable, and on the wonder of the baby boy who had just been born.
This year has been very eventful for our family, with two big vacations, one to California and one to Mexico, which for many of the children, was their first time out of the United States.
Joe had viral meningitis, the worst illness he has ever had, he promised never to get it again! He has worked with EMI Health (formerly Educators Mutual) in Salt Lake for 17 years. He finally got to see the Grand Canyon!
Julie started a licensed, at home preschool, Alphabet Adventures. She still teaches La Leche League Mtgs. (breastfeeding) and Nursery with Joe. She celebrated her 20th High School Reunion this past summer. Hannah, 13, is still attending the advanced PUPs program in Eighth Grade at Provo High School. She is learning Russian, was accepted into the High School play, and is on the Junior Team of Ballroom Dance.
Rebekah, 11, is in Sixth Grade and an artist! She won awards in Art and Photography in Reflections. She also had a Harry Potter birthday celebration, re-did with the extended families at Halloween this year.
Jonathan, 8, is in Third Grade and got baptized this year! He also started Cub Scouts and got eye glasses.
Susannah, 4, is doing very well, and often reads, yes really reads the words, of books to her little sister Eva. She has done very well reading the scriptures on her own as well. She loves all things Princess.
Eva, 18 months, is more a little person than a baby day by day. She says many fun things, learns new words daily, and is also the first to volunteer to pray. One of her favorite expressions is "read-it!" She loves to read books with Dad each night.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Love,
The Campbells
P.S. For more family happenings, see or