Everyone knows that the sabbath is a day of rest, right? So late last night we were sure we would sleep well, wake up early and refreshed, have a nice Sunday walk, and everything would go smoothly.
We got to bed later than usual, Julie telling me her great plans for improving things, me doing my best not to fall asleep. My love for my wife was the only thing keeping me from falling into a deep sleep.
So I survived until after prayer, at least I think I did. Come to think of it, I don't really remember saying amen. But I do remember Julie waking me up saying, why is it all wet under Susannah? I learned in the morning (I don't have any real capacity to function once asleep) it was all related to the flu. Enough said. Do you really want me to elaborate?
So when we finally woke up, we washed the baby and the parents thoroughly, and then Susannah (pre-diaper) had a whole lot of poop. On the carpet. Sigh. Julie washed the baby- again - and I washed the carpet. Yeech. Ok, so we decided not all was lost, Julie and the baby could stay home, and the kids and I would make it to church. And, we had an hour extra because of daylight savings.
So we got to church, and I went to drop Jonathan off to his class, and couldn't find anyone. Why are they already in general primary? I asked myself. And then I came to a sudden realization. Uh-huh. Not daylight savings until next week. And I was an hour late.
Finally in Sacrament meeting, we were holding on, and Rebekah came to me crying and saying her tummy hurt. Yikes! We got out of there fast, expecting spew any moment, but once we were home Rebekah made a speedy recovery, but it was all for the good.
Maybe it was a blessing to me that Rebekah had the unexpected tummy ache. I can see Heavenly Father looking down at me and finally taking pity. And when I got home, I took a nap with Mom and the baby, and so the sabbath was a day of rest after all.