Monday, July 1, 2013

Tongue Tied Mother of Children

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”

~ Mary Anne Radmacher


Eva had dental surgery this morning.  They filled in small dental carries under her front gums and in between her upper two front teeth.  She also had a frenulm cut and upper lip tie sutured.  Oh that doctor or dentist would have diagnosed her three years ago when she was a sleepy, not thriving, thin little thing!

Little guy still latches poorly and refuses to try the right side at all.  He is gaining weight but starting to put up a fuss about any milk that is not breastmilk (i.e. formula).

It is interesting to note that trials come at a personal cost...I have helped hundreds if not thousands of moms breastfeed...and have breastfed, often tandem feeding, for approximately 14 years now and along comes little guy and I am at a loss as to how to parent him, without being able to do what comes so instinctual to me.

Pumping, pumping, pumping...until 2 a.m. and up again at 6:30 to pump before joining Joe who was with Eva at the dentist.  I am worried about my children who are "missing a mother" while I am pumping for little Liam.


RJ said...

Oh Julie. How I wish we were neighbors. I will pray for you. I wish I was near. Sending love and heartfelt prayers, Rachel

Julie said...

Dear Rachel,
Thank you. I will try and add a post here and there about all the joyfully mayhem of Motherhood!

Becca said...

This all sounds so very familiar. Just want to send a hug your way and let you know that I understand and that it will get better! You will look back and remember it was a hard time, be grateful it is behind you, and LOVE your little guy and his new adventures and antics. It is so overwhelming and unending when you are in the midst, but now that it is past for me I am okay with having paid such a price to have my little shadow following me around every day. I can only say all of this with the perspective of time, though. All the things you say in your post could have come straight from my my head and heart 2 1/2 years ago. Love you! You are doing a great work and heaven and your family know it.

Julie said...

Thank you, Becca.
You words mean a lot to me right now. Thank you for your hug.
It is amazing what little sleep one can survive on and what a few nights of slightly more sleep can do!
It has been a hard week with school starting here (and helpers gone) and trying to find pumping time while meeting the needs of a toddler and active baby. I'm sure you remember those times!

Julie said...

Thank you, Becca.
You words mean a lot to me right now. Thank you for your hug.
It is amazing what little sleep one can survive on and what a few nights of slightly more sleep can do!
It has been a hard week with school starting here (and helpers gone) and trying to find pumping time while meeting the needs of a toddler and active baby. I'm sure you remember those times!