Rebekah is a new member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! She was baptized and confirmed by her father, Joseph H. Campbell. Sister Hannah gave a talk on baptism, Aunt Beth spoke on the Holy Ghost and Aunt Hyea Won spoke of her conversion and baptism in Korea. Great Grandma Edith Jex Clayton came down from Salt Lake. Both of her grandmothers gave prayers. Her grandfathers stood as witnesses. A beautiful day!
She was quite nervous about bearing her testimony (talking about her feelings) today in church and went up with mom. She spoke about how wonderful she felt at her baptism and how great it is to have a dad hold the priesthood.
In our own family testimony meeting following church today, Jonathan stood and spoke about his feelings, "I love my family. I know the church is true. I know the temple is true." Susie stood tall by her older brother and said, "I know..." Wish I had had the camera ready! It was a good example of how much she loves and looks up to her brother.
We have a tradition that started when Rebekah's sister Hannah was baptized of getting a new white dress and getting a picture in front of the LDS temple. Inside the walls of the temple, Joe and I made sacred promises to love and cherish one another. It is there that families begin and may be sealed for "time and all eternity" to live together as a family after death with a loving Heavenly Father. This is our hope for Rebekah to look forward to in the coming years.
(Hannah shared her baptism day with her cousin, Jackson Anthony Perri in June 2006. This photo was used to invite family to their baptism. She wore an all white dress on her baptism day).
My Three White Dresses My mom bought me a white dress,
Not red or pink or blue.
She said it was a special dress
Like very other few,
There has been just one before,
A dress now put away,
That I wore some time ago
Upon my blessing day.
As a little baby clothed In my first white dress,
My dad held me in his arms,
There to name and bless.
So pure and clean was I just then,
With time to grow and learn
About the Father's plan for me.
My glory I must earn.
Now I've reached the age to judge
The wrong road from the right,
And I am here to be baptized
In this dress of white.
So once again I'm free from sin.
The path is clear to me.
I'll grasp the rod and hold on tight, I vow with certainty.
Just as mud would stain my dress,
Sin would stain my soul.
The key is to repent or bleach,
For whiteness is my goal.
And if I try my very best,
Then richly blessed I'll be,
Wearing inside God's holy house
White dress number three,
So today I make this pledge:
I'll strive to choose the right,
Through this sacred baptism ordinance
In my second dress of white. (Linda Gay Perry Nelson, 1993)
It sounds like it was a wonderful day for Rebekah and all of you!
Congratulations to Rebekah! I didn't realize how close in age our girls are. SOMEDAY, we will have to get back to Utah and our kids can get to know their second cousins!
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